‘India cannot silence voice of Kashmiris’

MUZAFFARABAD: Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said on Sunday that India will not be able to suppress the voice of the people of occupied Kashmir by holding the G20 summit in the disputed region.
Speaking to media after arriving in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) on a three-day vis-it, FM Bilawal said, ‘It is not possible for India to play an important role in the world by violating UN resolutions”.
— PPP (@MediaCellPPP) May 21, 2023
“At a time when India is holding a conference in Occupied Kashmir, I have been invit-ed to address the Assembly of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK),” Mr Bhutto-Zardari maintained.
He added, “I believe that when a country takes such a step as India has taken, its true face comes before the world”. Read also: China to skip G20 meeting in occupied Kashmir
In connection with showing solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiri people, Mr Bhutto-Zardari went on to say that he will also participate in a protest rally in Bagh district to express solidarity with Kashmiris.
On Saturday, Prime Minister advisor on Kashmir affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Qamar Za-man Kaira said that India wanted to hold the G20 session to hide its cruelties in the oc-cupied Kashmir.
He mentioned that the oppression of India on Kashmiris was increasing with every passing day while adding Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Mr Bhutto-Zardari raised the issue of Kashmir at every forum.
Mr Kaira stressed that the incumbent government would not shy away from raising the Kashmir issue at all forums mentioning Imran Khan did not raise the desired voice for the oppressed people of the Indian occupied valley.
He claimed that due to the effective foreign policy, G20 members were voicing con-cerns over the session’s location highlighting India and Turkey would not participate in the session. –Agencies