India has no grounds to support 'false claim'

RAWALPINDI: Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asif Ghafoor said on Monday India has no grounds to support the “false claim” made by the Indian army chief.
“Indians have no grounds to support false claim made by their COAS,” he said in a Twitter statement in response to a tweet by Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal. “If they don’t want to go they have the option to share claimed targeted locations with our foreign office. We will take foreign diplomats & media tomorrow on those given locations. Let all see facts on ground,” he added.
Earlier, Dr Faisal tweeted: “Indian Embassy has yet not responded to offer made by DG ISPR. It indicates that they have no grounds to support false claim by their COAS. We expect them to respond soon.”
Yesterday, the DG ISPR had said, “Indian COAS’ statement claiming destruction of 3 alleged camps in AJK is disappointing as he holds a very responsible appointment.–Agencies