'India making hurdles for Sikh Yatrees'

ISLAMABAD: Member Punjab Assembly, PTI Mahindar Pal Singh Tuesday expressed his disappointment over the hurdles created by Indian government for Sikh Yatrees to visit newly inaugurated Kartarpur Corridor in Pakistan.
Talking to a private news channel, he regretted that Indian government is continuously creating hurdles in their visits to Kartarpur corridor and Sikh community from all over the world is thankful to Prime Minister Imran Khan for this initiative.
He said the Indian government is in a quandary, displeased with the opening of Kartarpur corridor for Sikh community and started doing negative propaganda against Pakistan.
PTI leader said Indian government is spreading negative propaganda against the corridor but such propaganda would not affect the love and affection of Sikh community with the Holy Shrine of Baba Guru Nanak and with Pakistan.
The world is surprised over the timely completion of the corridor, he added.
He said the Sikh community across the world has respect for the Pakistani government over this decision, adding, but Indian Prime Minister from the day first has never accepted Sikh community and the decision of Kartarpur corridor.
Pakistan is fully sincere and pursuing a positive approach and Indian government should express same level of sincerity, he urged. Indian government should allow the Sikh pilgrims to visit the holy shrine without any hurdle, he said.
The minorities in Pakistan have complete religious freedom but unfortunately Indian minorities are living in an environment of fear, he mentioned. He said some Indian politicians have been conspiring against Sikh community and Kartarpur corridor but the fact is that nothing can stop Sikh community to visit their shrine in Kartarpur.–Agencies