‘India represses dissent with unlawful curbs’

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Amnesty international in its latest report has highlighted the shrinking space for freedom of expression in India.
Indian authorities repressed dissent through unlawful restrictions on peaceful protestors and by silencing critics.
Human rights defenders, including students, academics, journalists, and artists, were arbitrarily arrested, often without charge or trial.
The report pointed out widespread impunity and lack of accountability for murders and attacks carried out by vigilante mobs and police officers against Indian religious minorities.
Swift and extreme restrictions were placed on freedom of movement during covid, leaving thousands of migrant workers stranded without adequate food and protection.
The report highlighted that the clampdown on civil liberties and restrictions on communications services continued in Jammu and Kashmir.
At least 18 journalists in Kashmir were physically attacked by police or summoned to police stations.
National Investigation Agency also raided the offices and residences of civil society activists including Khurram Pervez and three of his associates and Parveena Ahanger who had reported extensively on human rights abuses in Kashmir.