India under new law grabs Kashmiri lands

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MIRPUR (AJK): Britain-based Kashmiris rights outfit Global Pakistan Kashmir Supreme Council Wednesday strongly condemned the Indian nefarious move to grab the lands of Jammu & Kashmir State people by amending existing construction and development laws in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir State.
The puppet IIOJK State Administrative Council headed by Delhi’s installed Lt Governor G.C. Murmu recently approved a proposal to amend the Control of Building Operations Act, 1988 and the Development Act, 1970 for notifying “strategic areas” for use by the Indian occupational forces and regulating construction through a special dispensation.
Talking to reporters here , the GPKSC Chairman Raja Sikander Khan, currently on official visit of Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir to discuss the vibrant role of Pakistani and Kashmiri Diaspora community in Britain and other European countries raising the urgency of early peaceful settlement of Kashmir question, with the Pakistani and AJK leadership, said that the motive behind promulgation of such laws in occupied Kashmir is absolutely clear that the Indian government wants to establish settlements in the so-called strategic areas to house the Indian citizens thereafter granting them citizenship under the new domicile laws.
The move, he said, is aimed at to turn the majority of Kashmiri Muslims into the minority in their own internationally-acknowledged disputed homeland. “The latest amendments will expedite the process of demographic changes in the occupied state and turn the entire region into an Indian military garrison,” Khan emphasized.
The GPKSC Chairman continued that after the start of construction process by Indian occupation forces, the forests land of the territory will further squeeze and this will have highly negative impacts on the environment of the region. Raja Sikander Khan maintained that the puppet regime of occupied Kashmir has already handed over 243 hectares of land to Indian military and paramilitary forces, while the occupational Indian Army had already unlawfully occupied over 21 hectors of land.
Raja Sikander said that under the new law, the Indian Army can declare any part of the occupied territory including agricultural lands, residential areas and neighbourhood to be “strategic areas”.