India urged to immediately combat ‘dangerous’ Islamophobia trend

NEW YORK: Pakistan has told the United Nations General Assembly about India’s “abysmal” treatment of religious minorities, with a forceful call for New Delhi to reverse the “dangerous”Islamophobic trend in the South Asian country, as also advocated by U.N. human rights experts,
“Can the representative of India justify the recent incident where a BJP leader openly threatened to slaughter 200,000 Muslims,” Pakistani delegate Rabia Ijaz asked India’s representative who earlier accused Pakistan of mistreating its minorities, while also alleging that it was involved in terrorism.
“We witnessed India’s leadership’s unabashed use of anti-Muslim rhetoric for political gain, including their Prime Minister (Narendra Modi) calling Muslims ‘infiltrators’ during one of his (recent) campaign speeches.
Moreover, Hindu priests have openly called for genocide of Muslim minorities in India,” Ms. Ijaz, a second secretary in the Pakistan Mission to the UN, said while exercising her right of reply to the Indian representative during the 193-member Assembly’s debate on “Responsibility to Protect (R2P).” –Agencies