India violates ceasefire accord, opens fire along WB

-Pakistan lodges strong protest with top Indian diplomat over WB ceasefire violation

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: India has violated the ceasefire agreement with Pakistan with Indian troops opening fire along the working boundary on Monday.
Pakistan has strongly protested the unprovoked fire and demanded that India abide by the new ceasefire agreement signed between both countries.
In diplomatic response to Indian aggression, Pakistan on Tuesday registered a strong protest with the top Indian diplomat in the country over violation of the ceasefire agreement at Working Boundary.
Foreign Office spokesman Zahid Hafeez Chaudhri said that the Indian forces resorted to unprovoked firing at the Working Boundary (WB).
“Indian charge d’affaires was summoned to lodge a strong protest over the violation,” the spokesman said adding that India should adhere to a ceasefire agreement.
Recent ceasefire agreement:Pakistan and India had agreed to strict enforcement of the ceasefire at the Line of Control (LoC) and other border sectors in February this year.
The Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs) of Pakistan and India had discussed the existing mechanism of the hotline.
The DGMOs discussed the situation at the Line of Control and other border sectors in the contact, the Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.
The military officials of the two sides held talks over the existing mechanism of the hotline contact and agreed to address the core issues and mutual reservations in the interest of lasting peace, the ISPR stated.
The two sides reiterated strict implementation of the ceasefire agreements at the LoC and other border sectors from the midnight of February 24 and 25, ISPR said.
“The two sides also agreed to resolve any unexpected situation with the mechanism of the border flag meetings,” according to the statement.