‘India wants to eliminate Kashmiri creed from IoK’

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MIRPUR (AJK): President Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Sardar Masood Khan on Wednesday said that for the past 73 years India has been committing war crimes against humanity in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Calling India’s actions as human rights violations is a mere euphemism as they are committing massacres, killings, arbitrary detentions, torture, ethnic cleansing and genocide. International law and international humanitarian law covers all these violations and India should be brought to task for the crimes being perpetrated against innocent Kashmiris.
The AJK President said this while addressing an online conference on “Oppression of Kashmiris under Indian Occupation”, organised by the Lahore Centre for Peace Research (LCPR), said news release issued by AJK President office.
The conference was moderated by Chairman LCPR and former Foreign Secretary Ambassador Shamshad Ahmad Khan. Other speakers included Senator Sherry Rehman, Ambassador Zamir Akram, President of Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights Dr. Syed Nazir Gilani and Mashal Malik.
The President said that right now the most serious crime that India is committing is settler colonialism. He said that for over seven decades in an attempt to annexe the territory and win the hearts and minds of the Kashmiris, India has either used brute force or enlisted the help of pro-Indian politicians. “All these inducements and blandishments did not work. Still to this day, Kashmiris chant slogans of Azadi and aspire to join Pakistan”, he said.
The RSS-BJP regime, said Masood Khan, talks of the ‘final solution’; which for them is importing non-State Hindus into the IIOJK by the millions and permanently changing the demography of the region. He added that in the past 3 to 4 month over 1.8 million Hindus from all over India have been given Kashmiri domiciles.
“They plan to take this number to 5-6 million in the near future. The process of settling Jews under the Balfour declaration took a century but India is replicating the same in just a matter of years. The Hindu zealots have introduced a policy, on the same pattern introduced by the Nazi party where Jews were disenfranchised, dispossessed, pushed into concentration camps and ultimately killed or forced to migrate”, said Masood Khan.