Indian and ISIS nexus

The great double game of Indian government to destroy the regional peace through its links with Daesh has been exposed. According to book revelation, the mastermind of attack on Sikhs Gurdwara in Kabul was also turned out to be an Indian citizen. The recently publish book titled “My Enemy’s Enemy” was authored by a British-Indian Avinash Paliwal. The book clearly mentioned that India is waging a proxy war to create instability in Pakistan by carrying out terrorism activities from Afghanistan’s soil at western border. The author further exposed Indian strategy of playing the Baloch and Pashtun cards in Pakistan and that Indian intelligence tried to cultivate the Afghan Taliban but failed. The Indian leadership has been involved in exporting terrorism in Pakistan to implement the so-called nefarious theory of Maha-Bharat. From the very first day of Pakistan’s inception, the Indian leadership has a belief that Pakistan will not survive and re-merge into India to form Maha-Bharat. The fascist polices of BJP and RSS are aim at promoting ultranationalist sentiments in Indian Hindus for achieving ultimate objective of transforming, whole Indo-Subcontinent in to greater (Maha) Bharat. Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) prominent leader Subramanian Swamy openly discusses polices aim at promoting terrorism in Pakistan to create instability and chaos in the region. Several retired Indian military officers continuously advocating for inducement of terrorism in Pakistan’s Society by funding Baloch separatists, sectarian extremists, and religious fanatics to destabilize Pakistan. The appointment of Ajit Doval as Indian National Security Advisor (NSA) was due to his expertise in intervening in neighbours countries through covert operations to weaken them for the purpose of establishing Indian hegemonic ideology. Pakistan Foreign Office had briefed the Envoys of the permanent members of the UNSC regarding Indian state sponsorship of terrorism and handed over dossiers to them containing irrefutable evidences of Indian state sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan on Nov 05, 2020. Pakistan also shared these dossiers with UNO, OIC and other international organizations. The undeniable evidence of India’s state-sponsorship of terrorism against Pakistan is Indian Naval officer, Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav, who was caught red-handed by Pakistani security forces in Balochistan in March 2016. He confessed his involvement in subversion, sabotage and terrorism in Pakistan and provision of arms and ammunition to Baloch separatists. India is involved in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan by funding, training and facilitating the UN designated terrorists groups including Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, Baloch Liberation Front (BLF) Allah Nazar’s group, Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) Haribi yar Mari Group and others.

As per reports, the suicide attack on Chinese Consulate in Karachi was carried out by Baloch terrorist group BLA in 2019, was sponsored by India. The mastermind of the attack “Commander Aslam Acho” was directing the attackers from a hospital in New Delhi.

Besides, actively working to promote terrorism, India is also actively waging a propaganda war against Pakistan at international level. The EU DisinfoLab, a Brussels-based disinformation watchdog, had exposed a forum that promote India’s diplomatic interests to influence the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) with content critical of Pakistan. After Disinfolab report, Indian sponsored fake think tank South Asia Democratic Forum (SADF) faced strong protest and resignation from its several board members who were being used unintentionally.

As per reports, besides, the fake think tank South Asia Democratic Forum (SADF) at Brussels, Indian Intelligence Service is operating other fake think tanks or lobbying groups in UK and USA, while using brand name of South Asia, they aim at defaming and targeting Pakistan particularly. These dubious lobbying groups are South Asians Against Terrorism and for Human Rights (SAATH) and South Asia Minorities Alliance Foundation (SAMAF).

The government of Pakistan must recognize this spongy organizations and individuals acting on behalf of the enemies of Pakistan. Indian Intelligence has tactic fully provided these forums to all anti-Pakistan elements abroad to fulfil its malicious intentions. these nefarious efforts by the enemy or their narks must be met accordingly.