Indian claims over IoK proved fictitious with historical facts, stats


CANBERRA: Indian claims over IoK were proved fictitious and outrageous with undeniable facts and statistics from the history as Pakistan’s season diplomat, Babar Amin who is currently serving as the High Commissioner for Pakistan to Australia, delivered a lecture at the University of Western Australia, on invitation from the Centre for Muslim States. Babar Amin dilated upon the genesis of the Kashmir dispute and the illegal Indian occupation of the Jammu and Kashmir. He also gave the historical background of forcibly taking over of the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir by the Indian military on 27 October 1947, which is since marked as a Black Day by Kashmiris around the world.
Speaking about the illegal actions of Indian government to abrogate the autonomous status and lifting restrictions on non-J&K persons acquiring permanent residence in IOJ&K, the High Commissioner regarded these as attempt to annex the territory and changing its demography. He elucidated the illegality of these action for being contrary to the International law, UN Charter, several UN Security Council resolutions and the bilateral agreements between Pakistan and India. High Commissioner Babar Amin apprised the audience about

the gravely enhanced human rights violations and the ensuing humanitarian crisis in IOJ&K,
since the illegal Indian actions of 05 August this year. He cited the statement of UN Secretary General, UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Statement of the members of the UK’s House of Commons, Special sessions of the US House and Senate on Kashmir, and the serious concerns expressed by international human rights organizations and media worldwide on the prevailing lockdown of the 8 million people in IOJ&K.
While reiterating Pakistan’s commitment to provide moral, political and diplomatic support to the people of Jammu &Kashmir, the High Commissioner emphasized that the International Community including Australia had the responsibility to addressing human rights violations and humanitarian crisis in IOJ&K, on priority putting aside any political and economic expediencies.
The event was well attended by the Pakistanis, Kashmiris including those from the Pandit community and Australians. An interactive Q&A session followed the lecture, in which the attendees took significant interest. The queries of the participants were responded to at length, citing historical documents, principles of international law and opinion of eminent jurists and international human rights organizations.
At the end, the Director, Centre for Muslim States and Societies at the University of Western Australia, thanked the High Commissioner for visiting the University and delivering a scholastic and informative lecture for the benefit of the students and attendees from the public. The High Commissioner thanked the Centre for Muslim States and Societies, University of Western Australia for inviting him to speak on a very important issue which is vital for regional peace, security and stability.