Indian fake news machinery continues to target Pakistan

By Our Diplomatic

LAHORE: In the modern technology digital era, social media has become a malicious warzone front to capture economies, to fulfill or spread the desired narratives and goals against a group or any country around the world.
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) on Wednesday reported through its media outlets that the executive director of an Information authenticity check system, EU DisinfoLab, Alexandre Alaphilippe after a detailed investigation has published an extensive report containing details of Indian propaganda and its influence operations against Pakistan by using fake identities of United Nations and European Union and its parliament.
The report has revealed that so far it was the ever largest fake news network which had so far been exposed. Revealing the report, Alexandre Alaphilippe had further revealed that around 750 fake websites were being run from 116 country-origins, adding that to mislead the world community 10 NGOs were working with UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and 550 websites were being used to disseminate malicious propaganda, through fake identities (ID).
Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi and National Security Adviser to Prime Minister Dr Moeed Yusuf had urged the top world bodies in a joint press briefing to take serious note of India’s evil campaign by using their names against Pakistan, which had been recently exposed through publication of Indian Chronicles.