Indian forces drag body of Kashmiri with chains

SRINAGAR: A photo of Indian forces dragging a body of a Kashmiri with chains tied to its feet in the occupied valley has sparked outrage.

The photo which has gone viral was reportedly recorded on September 13 after five Kashmiris were killed in two operations conducted by Indian forces in occupied Kashmir.
According to media, who witnessed the incident, said the picture was taken on the site of the gunfight near the Kakriyal forests.
The Kashmiri whose body was dragged was among the five killed in the Indian forces’ raids, the report stated.
Several condemned the act after the photo went viral and said the Indian forces violated international treaties.
The Geneva Convention, to which India is a signatory, states that parties to conflict must take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick, to protect them against pillage and ill-treatment, to ensure their adequate care, and to search for the dead and prevent their being despoiled.