Indian officials interrupt Deputy Speaker NA after he raised Kashmir issue at summit

MALE: Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Khan Suri participanting in 4th South Asian Speakers’ Summit organized by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the People’s Majlis.

ISLAMABAD: National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri raised the Kashmir cause at the Sustainable Deve­lopment Goals summit and apprised its participants about unconstitutional steps and atrocities being committed by Indian government against innocent people of held Kashmir.

Members of the Indian delegation at the summit led by the Lok Sabha speaker tried to interrupt Mr Suri. However, their attempt went unheeded and the deputy speaker continued his speech and apprised the participants about the volatile situation in India-held Kashmir.

The entire occupied valley had been converted into a heavily militarised zone and people were being stopped from performing their religious rites, Mr Suri said, according to a message received here from Maldives.

The deputy speaker stressed upon the South Asian countries to support Kashmiris for their right to self-determination under the auspicious of United Nations.

He said means of communication had been disconnected in the occupied valley aggravating the agony of its people, and that the international community must raise the Kashmir issue at appropriate level by asserting pressure on India for its resolution in accordance with the UN resolutions and aspiration of Kashmiri people.

He reiterated Pakistan’s stance for morally and diplomatically supporting Kashmiris, saying that the attitude of India towards Kashmir issue was putting South Asia peace and development at stake.