India’s aggresion on LoC

Ceasefire violations of the Line of Control by India are on the rise as almost every day its forces target both military posts and civilian population by hevy shelling. In a midnight firing by Indian army on Saturday one soldier of Pakistan Army and six civilian were martyred while two soldiers and nine civilizations were wounded in Azad Kashmir. The incidents took place in Nausuri sector of Muzaffarabad district and Shakot sector of Neelum valley. In robust response from Pakistani forces 9 Indian soldiers were killed.
India is deliberately targeting civilian population with heavy artillery shelling in violation of international law under the pretext of existence of camps of militants near LOC. It is part and parcel of NarendraModi government foreign and defense policy to malign Pakistan and divert the attention from the atrocities being perpetrated on Kashmiries in the occupied Kashmir. The Prime Minister ImranKhan tried his best to sensitize the collective conscience of international community on Kashmir dispute and its explosive potential of igniting war between the two nuclear armed states in South Asia. But world powers and other member states of the United Nations, except China, have shown indifference to put pressure on India to hold dialogue with Pakistan on this core issue and other outstanding disputes. The composite dialogue process which was suspended in November 2008 could not be resumed over the past 11 years.
The attitude of Islamic countries, particularly Arab countries of Middle East, is also not an enviable one as these countries are more interested in promoting and expanding economic ties with India. These countries did not value the strong diplomatic, moral and material support which Pakistan gave to Arab countries in wars against Israel. Turkey is the only Muslim country which openly and strongly supported the stance of Pakistan on the annexation of occupied Kashmir. Turkish President RecepTayyipErdogan was the sole voice criticizing the Indian move of August 5 for revoking the special constitutional status of Kashmir. In response the Indian Prime Minister NarendraModi cancelled his two day official visit of Turkey. Had the response of other Islamic countries identical with Turkey, India would have at least lifted the blockade of occupied Kashmir and restored communication links. It is high time that international community plays its role for deescalating tension between Pakistan and India and persuades the latter to resolve the long outstanding deputes between two countries through diplomatic means.