India’s evil tactics exposed to freedom right supporters

Foreign Desk Report

NEW YORK: The shocking revelations by the EU Disinfo Lab of a clandestine operation to use fake media houses to malign Pakistan and China has attracted a strong reaction from freedom right supporters who have demanded of the United Nations to immediately remove all such organistaions.
Andy Vermaut, an official member of “The International Alliance for the Defence of Rights and Freedoms (AIDL) constituted by the United Nations (ECOSOC) and President of PostVersa, Human Rights and Fundamental Rights chapter said he was astonished to hear about the research of the EU Disinfo Lab.
He said it was surprising to note how the Indian Srivastava group, resurrected ten UN recognized NGOs, to spread disinformation and fake news about Pakistan.
“I repeat my plea today for a total screening of all human rights organizations that are consulted by the United Nations on human rights and that spread fake news, purely to put a state or a people in a bad daylight,” he said. He said the evidence from the Indian Chronicles clearly shows how members of the European Parliament, through the fake news “were abused and used mostly without their knowledge” to present false information as real information.