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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that the creation of the AUKUS partnership and the QUAD Security Dialogue with the participation of Western countries is in line with the erosion of the universal format of the Asia-Pacific region, existing under the auspices of ASEAN. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was of the view that the United States has been promoting a fashionable trend of inventing strategies regarding the Indo-pacific region including QUAD and AUKUS Bloc. According to Lavrov, currently a transition to global multipolarity is going on which will last for many years. While lashing out at US policies in the Indo-Pacific region, Lavrov said that the transition from the zapadotsentrichnoy model led by the United States to a more democratic, more sustainable world order will be long.
He said that the center of life of the world has shifted from the Euro-Atlantic region to the Asia-Pacific region and its key part. According to the Russian Foreign Minister, international life is becoming more inclusive, with the traditional balance of power, it is no longer possible to solve problems in a stable and reliable manner, a balance of interests is needed. Lavrov said that the Summit for Democracy being convened by the US in December this year is a US designed agenda to characterize its blue-eyed states to be a democracy. The Russian leader also criticized the United States plan to convene a summit for cyber security and summit for democracy during the coming days.
The Indo-Pacific region is a dynamic market having vast opportunities for growth because it accounts for half of the world trade and more than half of the world GDP, houses to thickly populated nations and rapidly growing economies of regional countries.
The developing nations of the region have great potential of becoming a lucrative market for foreign products. Furthermore, the large stocks of hydrocarbon resources and huge opportunities of fisheries in the South and East China Seas had lured several regional nations and their sympathizers in a race to grasp these worthwhile opportunities. China claims ownership of all areas under South and East China Seas, while strengthening its control the Chinese government constructed several artificial Islands and established military bases and outposts in these waters.
The other claimants of the various parts of the South China Sea including Brunei, Philippine, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Taiwan while Japan and South Korea in case of East China Sea raised their concerns on growing Chinese encroachment.
However, the United States being world power and sitting on the other end of the Pacific waters, expressed concerns over the freedom of navigation in respect of sea lanes of communications and over-fighting in the area.