Industrial effluent poisons groundwater in Faisalabad: WealthPK

FAISALABAD: The groundwater of Faisalabad is getting toxic with each passing day, as the textile and other industrial units discharge their effluent into the drains without treatment.

This serious health hazard can be avoided by installing the much-needed water treatment plants; however, no serious attention has been paid in this regard.

Talking to WealthPK, Ghalib Hussain, a filtered water supplier, said his business was thriving, as people in the area no longer use the groundwater unfit for human consumption.

“We don’t know the toxicity level of the groundwater, but the fact remains that it is not even fit for animal consumption. I am planning to expand my business, as I know the demand would increase in future,” he added.

A couple of years ago, the Punjab government installed water filtration plants in different areas, including Faisalabad, and people were very happy, as potable water was available for free. However, this facility couldn’t continue on a permanent basis.

Taj Din, 65, told WealthPK that the groundwater of Faisalabad was once perfect for human consumption but now they had to spend extra money on purchasing filtered water.

“We consumed the water filtered by the plants installed by the government; however, they were closed for reasons best known to the government,” he added.

Dr Muhammad Irfan, Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Allied Hospital, said absence of wastewater treatment plants caused scores of health issues like cholera, gastro and other ailments.

He said waterborne diseases was a major issue in Faisalabad, which could be checked by installing water treatment plants.

He said a major chunk of wastewater produced by the textile sector was being discharged into the drains without treatment.

“It’s the duty of the departments concerned to install water treatment plants but it’s ironic that the officials of these departments are hand in glove with the millers,” he claimed.

“This contaminated water may carry different sorts of harmful pollutants like mercury, chromium and others, which are very dangerous for human life, as they can cause cancer, neurological disorders, and kidney infections,” Dr Irfan added.

An official of the environment department told WealthPK that installation of water treatment plant costs a lot. He said some big units had installed the wastewater treatment facilities but refused to share their names with WealthPK. However, he admitted that the textile industry would also face the issue of clean water in future, as pure water was also essential for their products.

He said some countries test the presence of toxic particles of chemicals used in garment manufacturing before their export. If the millers used the toxic groundwater, then they would face the music internationally, he added.

“Toxic water will surely pose a threat to the textile sector in the days to come and now is the time to save this precious gift; otherwise, it will inhibit the textile sector’s growth and further damage the environment of Faisalabad,” the official warned.

He said treatment plants played a crucial role in cleaning the wastewater before its discharge into the drains. –INP