Interior Minister inaugurates new building of Noon Police Station

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Thursday inaugurated the new building of Noon police station and assured to provide maximum resources to Islamabad police for effective policing.
A smartly turned out contingent of Islamabad police presented guard of honor to the Interior Minister on his arrival at police station following which he unveiled the plaque of new police station building. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Qazi Jamil ur Rehman briefed the Minister for Interior about steps being taken by the force for effective policing and expenses incurred on the building of the new police station. DIG (Operations) Afzaal Ahmed Kausar, SSP (Operations) Dr. Syed Mustafa Tanveer, SSP (Headquarters), SP (Industrial Area) and other police officials were also present on the occasion.
The minister also handed over the valuables worth Rs. 210 million to their owners which were recovered by the police after nabbing the criminals and gangsters involved in dacoities and theft. The recovered items included vehicles, bikes, gold ornaments, cash, mobile phones, laptops and electronic equipment.
IGP Islamabad Qazi Jamil ur Rehman briefed the Interior Minister about various steps taken by Islamabad police for protection to the lives and property of the citizens. He said that police have recently handed over recovered valuables worth Rs. 570 million to their owners. He thanked the minister for providing resources to the force including increase in number of safe city cameras, smart cars, constitution of Eagle Squads and recruitment of personnel.
The IGP said that personnel of the force are working hard for better output and earn good name for the force. “ I am proud of policemen who are working hard to provide relief to people and recovering the valuables from the criminals after successful investigation into the cases,” he added.
Minister for Interior Sheikh Rashid Ahmed also lauded the hard work of Islamabad police. He said that various steps are being taken to improve the overall efficiency of the force which included increase in the salaries of policemen, recruitment of 1500 personnel and extending the work scope of Eagle Squads.
He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed to install cameras throughout Islamabad and 1200 cameras would be given to safe city project soon. Interior Minister said that Prime Minister especially appreciated Islamabad police cc resolving the case of Afghan Ambassador’s daughter.
The minister committed to make Islamabad police more strong and professional force so that it could counter any challenge successfully.