International media visits Confucius Museum in Qufu

BEIJING: A team of international media visited the Confucius Museum in Qufu, China Shandong Province.
During the visit organized by China Shandong Network, the members of media team from South Korea, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Iraq and Arab countries entered the Confucius Cuisine Exhibition Hall and felt the cultural atmosphere of the hometown of Confucius and the charm of China’s excellent traditional culture.
Among all Chinese cuisines, Confucius cuisine is famous for its cultural connotation and artistic characteristics. It absorbs the cooking skills of palace cuisine, government cuisine and folk cuisine.
In addition to the careful competition and continuous innovation of famous chefs of Confucius for thousands of years, it has gradually formed a comprehensive cooking technique and exquisite production style. In 2011, the cooking skills of Confucius cuisine were included in the national intangible cultural heritage list.
“If you don’t eat Kongfu vegetables, your travel to Qufu is useless,” Jiuru Hall in the Confucius Mansion in Qufu was once a place to receive distinguished guests.
For thousands of years, it has been adhering to Confucius’ food culture of “eating never getting tired of essence and not getting tired of food”.
In order to better show the traditional charm and cultural connotation of Confucius cuisine, Qufu Sankong Cultural Tourism Group has built a Confucius Cuisine Exhibition Hall in Jiuru Hall, Confucius, with both the introduction of dishes and the display of utensils. –Agencies