International observers offer their assessments

Aleksei Sokol

First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus

The main reason for the CPC’s longevity is its ability to adapt the Marxist theory to the Chinese context. China has set an example of what needs to be taken in the fight against such a terrible pandemic.

China should go forward and show the world that socialism with Chinese characteristics is really a modern model. It is aimed at caring for people and at development.

Frederick Worsemao Armah Blay

National Chairman of Ghana’s ruling New Patriotic Party

China shares what it has achieved. China knows how to share, how to help each other, how to develop together, and we need that kind of cooperation.

It is an accepted reality that many African countries are still underdeveloped despite their hard efforts, which highlights the importance of China-Africa cooperation on poverty alleviation. Further cooperation on human resources development between the two countries would be conducive to Ghana’s acceleration of its pace of poverty alleviation.

I have been extremely impressed by China’s efforts to address inequalities in development between its east and west, and a boom in its western region’s key sectors such as infrastructure and agriculture has ensured its poverty reduction goal could be achieved. The CPC has done well in leading this big country into prosperity.

D.E.W. Gunasekera

Former General Secretary of the Communist Party of Sri Lanka

The CPC has formulated a successful development model for China by drawing on the experiences of both developed and developing countries.

The Party has successfully combined markets and state intervention in China’s economic development, while remaining true to the country’s history and culture.

The CPC’s theory about forging a united front, which rallies all the patriotic classes of the country in the pursuit of building a prosperous nation, was innovative and influential.

Dogu Perincek

Chairman of Turkey’s Patriotic Party

China, led by the CPC, has accomplished an extraordinary success in eradicating absolute poverty and upholding multilateralism.

The People’s Republic of China was one of the poorest countries when established in 1949, but created such a miracle in such a short period of time as it developed to become an engine of the world economy.

China’s success in securing a complete victory in the fight against poverty is a great historic achievement for humanity.

Fabien Roussel

National Secretary of the French Communist Party

I find remarkable the incredible economic leap achieved by China in a very short period of time, and the objectives set by the CPC, in particular the objective of fighting poverty and eradicating extreme poverty.

The CPC has been dedicating itself to improving the people’s wellbeing, and enjoys strong leadership as well as highly efficient executive ability, which are key to the Party’s success.

The French Communist Party and the CPC share the idea that the United Nations is the only universally legitimate basis for an international order that respects the rule of law and the sovereignty of nations.

Maria Teresa Mola

Vice President of the Party of the European Left and a member of the Communist Party of Spain

The achievements China made within a decade make me feel that the country has undergone a development of 100 years. The quote that “for the good of my people, I will put aside my own wellbeing” embodies the CPC’s people-centered philosophy, and has an important influence on today’s world.

In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, China has provided assistance to countries in need, which is in sharp comparison to those apathetic countries merely self-centered on competition.

Mohsen Basurra

Member of Yemen’s Islah Party

The CPC has united Chinese people of all ethnic groups and provided them with political guidance, which is why China has achieved so much today.

Ibrahim AI-Shehabi

Member of the Board of Trustees in Egypt’s Coordination Committee of Party’s Youth Leaders and Politicians

The CPC’s success in leading the Chinese people through the health crisis mirrors the great solidarity between the ruling party, the government and the Chinese people.

Jessie Duarte

Deputy Secretary General of the African National Congress (ANC)

China’s poverty reduction and economic feat achieved under the leadership of the CPC sets an example for many developing countries to follow.

It is important that nations adopt ideologies and developmental paths true to their own history, national identity, and unique circumstances instead of just following what others are doing.

The people-centered approach upheld by the CPC is about dedication to serving the public with unwavering diligence, an idea that resonates with the ANC, which honors the belief of Batho Pele, or People First.

Robert Griffiths

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Britain

It’s a party of the people that has been very flexible in its tactics and strategies, but also firm in its principles. It is a communist party that aims to build socialism.

As the ruling party of China, the CPC’s close links with the people have gained trust and support from the grassroots, which enables the whole country to take necessary, drastic measures to successfully overcome huge challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic and poverty.

The enormous success of China can only be achieved by a party that retains its close links with the people in its roots, in the working people of China.

Saifullah Khan Nyazee

Chief Organizer of Pakistan’s ruling party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf

The people of China believe in the leadership of the CPC and the faith of the people then encourages the Party to do more, which is one reason why the CPC can always maintain its vitality.

The CPC considers not only China’s development, but the common development of other countries. In working to fight a pandemic like COVID-19 and other adversities, the idea of “building a community with a shared future for humanity” can bring unity among various countries, with the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative as a form of concrete implementation of the idea. The initiative has been enhancing interconnectivity between different parts of the world.

Sofia Carvajal

Secretary of International Affairs of Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party

The CPC has always maintained a high degree of organization and discipline in every aspect of national governance, and at the same time paid attention to formulating medium- and long-term development plans, which played a decisive role in China’s prosperity and continuous progress.

Political parties in Latin America and the CPC have strengthened exchanges by such mechanisms as the Forum of China and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, which has added strong impetus to their all-round cooperation.

Vojtech Filip

Chairman of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, the Czech Republic

The “Chinese miracle” created by the CPC in the past decades has proved that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the right path leading to the country’s success in development.

Behind the miracles is the CPC’s dedication to people’s needs. Also, the policies China adopted gave full play to the initiative of the CPC members and the Chinese people.

China, led by the CPC, has gained more and more support in the world, as the country is actively participating in international affairs, safeguarding multilateralism, and promoting world peace and development.
– The Daily Mail-Beijing Review News exchange item