Int’l community urged to impose sanctions on Israel

DM Monitoring

RAMALLAH: Palestine urged the international community to impose sanctions on Israel for its policy of demolishing Palestinians’ homes.
Israel demolished Palestinians’ homes and structures in the Jordan Valley in the West Bank and left 73 Palestinian citizens homeless, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press statement sent to Xinhua.
“It’s an awful complex crime that violates the international law, Geneva Conventions, and human rights principles,” the ministry said. Demolishing Palestinians’ homes and structures “reflects the extent of the expansion of settlements targeting the Palestinian Jordan Valley,” it added. Meanwhile, Hazem Qassem, spokesman of Gaza’s ruling party Hamas, said Hamas calls for reactivating the popular resistance “to confront the Israeli policies against the Palestinians.”
Meanwhile, The Egyptian Foreign Ministry condemned on Saturday Israel’s demolition of a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank, describing the move as “violation of international legitimacy.”
Such Israeli practices pose “obstacles to the two-state solution and the chances of reaching a comprehensive and just peace and achieving stability in the region,” said Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Hafez in a statement.
The demolition exacerbates the difficult humanitarian conditions facing the Palestinian people, including the challenges related to the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, he added.
Earlier this week, the Israeli forces bulldozed another Palestinian village, leaving more than 70 homeless including 41 minors, a move that was slammed by the United Nations and the European Union.
Israel, however, said the demolished Bedouin village was illegally built in the Jordan Valley.
Egypt, which signed a U.S.-brokered peace treaty with Israel in 1979, has always supported the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people including the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders on the basis of the UN-proposed two-state solution.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for decades, following the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands and the Western-backed creation of Israel in 1948.