Int’l Virtual Masters Trainers course concludes

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: A five-week-long International Virtual Master Trainers course on Effective Online Teaching and Assessment Skills concluded successfully. This international course was organized by Inter-University
Consortium for Promotion of Social Sciences Pakistan, the largest network of Pakistani universities, Hollings Centre for International Dialogue, Global Academics Leadership Academy, and American Institute of Pakistan Studies Islamabad.
This highly integrated and well designed five module course developed and delivered by national and international experts. The course was attended by more than 30 participants from 25 higher education institutions of 8
countries. It was organized in the backdrop of the COVID-19 and related challenges faced by faculty in online teaching and assessment. The main objective of the Master Trainer virtual course was to create a pool of
experts on online education, assessment, and content development through equipping them with state-of-the-art skills and learning from best international and regional practices. The master trainer faculty would
conduct such sort of similar sessions and would share the learned knowledge, skills and best practices with their respective colleagues.
Prof. Dr. Sohail Naqvi, Founding Rector University of Central Asia, delivered a keynote address during the concluding session. He highlighted the importance of collaborations and innovative approaches in the higher
education sector to cope with challenges brough by the COVID-19 pandemic. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Founding Chairperson Inter-University Consortium and Vice Chancellor National Skill University Islamabad welcomed the
participants and gave an overview of the course.
The vice chancellors, senior university administrators across the globe, representatives of partner organizations and participants, appreciated the organizers’ efforts on training the faculty and engaging experts across the
globe to share their experiences and best practices in essential areas of effective online teaching and assessment skills.