Iran plans harsh response to US sanctions attempts

Middle East Desk Report

TEHRAN: Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations said that Tehran’s reaction against Washington’s attempts to reinstate pre-2015 UN sanctions on the Islamic republic would be proportionate to the state of affairs, Tasnim news agency reported on Saturday. Iran’s reaction to the U.S. bid to snapback sanctions will be commensurate with what is happening to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), namely Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal, and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231, Majid Takht Ravanchi was quoted as saying.
President Donald Trump pulled Washington out of the Iranian 2015 landmark deal in 2018 and reimposed major sanctions on the country’s energy and financial sectors. In reaction, Iran dropped major parts of its nuclear obligations.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Thursday that Washington started the process to restore all pre-2015 UN sanctions against Iran. Recently, U.S. failed to extend a UN arms embargo against Iran at the UN Security Council.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the attempts by the U.S. administration to snapback the UN sanctions against the Islamic republic will further isolate Washington, Tasnim reported on Saturday.