‘Iran, World powers close to nuke accord’

Middle East Desk

TEHRAN: Negotiators for Iran and six world powers on Sunday adjourned talks on reviving their 2015 nuclear deal and return to respective capitals for consultations as remaining differences cannot be easily overcome, said Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s delegation chief.
“We are now closer than ever to an agreement but the distance that exists between us and an agreement remains and bridging it is not an easy job,” Abbas Araqchi told Iranian state TV from Vienna. It was unclear when formal negotiations would resume.
A hardliner, Ebrahim Raisi, secured victory in Iran’s presidential election on Friday, replacing pragmatist Hassan Rouhani. But this is not likely to disrupt Iran’s effort under Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has final say on all major policy, to rebuild the nuclear pact and break free of tough U.S. oil and financial sanctions.
Negotiations have been going on in Vienna since April to iron out steps Iran and the United States must take on nuclear activities and sanctions to return to full compliance with the nuclear pact. Washington bolted from the deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Tehran.
“Bridging the gaps requires decisions that mainly the other party (Washington) has to take. I hope in the next round we will travel this short distance, albeit a difficult one,” Araqchi said. The Islamic Republic’s arch-enemy, Israel, on Sunday condemned Raisi’s election and said it would be a “regime of brutal hangmen” with which world powers should not negotiate a new nuclear deal.