IRCRA condemns Israeli atrocities in Gaza Strip

ISLAMABAD: The International Research Council for Religious Affairs (IRCRA) on Friday urged an immediate halt to continuing Israeli atrocities, and abuses of human rights and international agreements in the Gaza Strip seeking a peaceful resolution of the long-standing Israel-Palestine conflict.
Talking to the media, IRCRA President Muhammad Israr Madani said the people of Palestine, particularly of Gaza were enduring immense hardships as a result of the ongoing Israeli aggression causing a great loss of innocent lives and destruction of infrastructure in Gaza. Terming it a clear violation of fundamental principles of humanity and international laws, he emphasized the pivotal role that Muslim countries could play in addressing the tense situation.
He said the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and religious scholars and leaders had a unique responsibility and moral authority to foster an environment conducive to peaceful dialogue aimed at resolving the Israel-Palestine issue. He stated, “We believe that the voices of Muslim countries and their religious leaders must be united in calling for a just and peaceful resolution to this longstanding conflict.
The principles of justice, compassion, and peaceful coexistence, which are deeply rooted in Islamic teachings, must guide our path towards a just and lasting solution.”
He opined that the Muslim countries must collaborate with other nations to facilitate and mediate peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine. –Agencies