Iron Brothers join hands to combat COVID & Political virus

BEIJING: “It has been proofed by China’s successful experience that the COVID-19 epidemic is preventable, controllable, and curable, Gwadar Pro reported on Sunday.
However, the only way to defeat the virus is solidarity and cooperation of the international community, rather than politicization,” Lin SongTian, President of the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), said at a donation ceremony.
Pakistani ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque, President of China-Pakistan Friendship Association, Sha Zukang, and Vice president of CPAFFC, Li Xikui participated in the ceremony.
To demonstrate Pak-Chin friendship and jointly fight against the pandemic, CPAFFC has collected medical materials worth CNY 3 million including 200 oxygen generators, 200,000 masks, and a large amount of oxygen cylinders and founds of donation. On the donation ceremony 24th, CPAFFC handed them over to the Pakistani embassy to China.
In the ceremony, besides expressing appreciation and good wishes, Lin said: “COVID-19 is a global challenge that we all face and the only way to defeat it is international cooperation and working together. However, it is regrettable that some Western countries have shown no regard for the safety of their own people, failed to fulfill their due responsibilities, and failed to give priority to fight against the epidemic.
Instead, they have been busy creating a political virus, politicizing the epidemic, and trying to discredit China so as to shift the accountability of their own people.” “In contrast, when Western countries politicize the epidemic to smear China, the Pakistani government and people stand up for China’s justice. At the same time, China has actively supported Pakistan to fight against the epidemic by donating a large number of materials and sharing experience.
The concrete actions of the two countries have fully demonstrated the unbreakable friendship between China and Pakistan,” Lin added. Ambassador Haque agreed with Lin, he said: “COVID-19 pandemic is the most formidable crisis humanity has been pitted against since World War-II. – Agencies