Is India really capable of countering China

By Abdul Rashid Shakir

POOR socio-economic indicators, and pathetic macro as well as micro economic figures clearly belie India‘s tall claims and maniac assertion of sharing the leading role at global socio-economic and political stage with the developed countries like US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, UK, Australia, Japan and China. As a member of strategic alliances like Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QSD), also known as Quad, along with the United States, Australia, and Japan, it acts as a stooge of the Western powers in the region, and even tries to encircle and counter China, both economically and militarily.
However, fact of the matter is that with a GDP of about $3 Trillion, GDP growth rate below -25%, unemployment rate close to 7%, and inflation rate above 7%, it would be no less than a lunatic rhetoric to pose itself as a counterweight to China who has a GDP of more than $14 Trillion, GDP growth rate close to 5%, unemployment rate of about 5%, and inflation rate of just 1.7%.
Moreover, international research institutes also laugh off this Indian effort at selfaggrandizement. Global Hunger Index (GHI) developed jointly by Irish think tank, Concern Worldwide and German body, Welthungerhilfe based on the data compiled by International Food Policy Research Institutes (IFPRI) mocks Indian aspiration to act as a global player at world stage, as it is at 94th place out of 104 countries listed. What to speak of global competitive edge, it is at the bottom even in South Asian region, above only war-torn Afghanistan.
What to mention China, it even lags behind its regional competitors as Sri Lanka ranks at 64, Nepal at 73, Bangladesh at 75 and Pakistan at 88. Inclusive Development Index (IDI) developed by Davos-based World Economic Forum (WEF) also paints a similar dismal picture of India‘s standing in the comity of nations. In the IDI 2018 ranking of 74 countries in the Emerging Economics category; Nepal ranks 22, Bangladesh 34, Sri Lanka 40, Pakistan 47, whereas India is at 62.
On the World Press freedom Index, India is at 142 as compared to 140 in 2019 and 138 in 2018. The main reason for this year-on-year drop in ranking is rising violence against journalists and increasing ban on internet connectivity in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K). But unfortunately instead of taking corrective measures to fix these ills, India is investing heavily in perception management through its controlled media.
According to a recent report published in an Indian online news platform, “The Print”, Modi Government has commissioned a massive media campaign to improve India’s ranking on some 30 Global indices, which measure economic, political, religious and media freedoms, rule of law, innovation and terrorism among other things. Though most of these indices are developed by multilateral bodies like the World Back and United Nations, but still Modi Government is adamant on running a planned perception-overhaul campaign.
India’s recent response to COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a death blow to its already precarious economic outlook. It’ is one of the very few worst-hit countries with very high infection and mortality rates. Capital flight, substantial drop in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), closure of businesses, and massive job cuts are some of the highlights of Indian economy, which are further deteriorating its already-alarming levels of socio-economic development indicators. This not-to-be-proud-of socio-economic situation of India further lowers its ranking among major emerging world players when coupled with its curbs on media freedom and gross violations of fundamental human rights, especially in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K).
It is further exacerbated by India‘s embarrassing show of military might against its Chinese counterpart in Ladakh and Galwan valley along LAC (Line of Actual Control) in the Himalayas. Ostensibly it seems as if strategic investment of the West, led by US, in India is going down the drain because it wants India as a strong counterweight to Chins in the region, in order to safeguard its interests in the regions. But unfortunately, despite being pampered much by the US and its allies, India is far away from all such expectations of its friends.
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