Is US the actual origin of COVID-19 outbreak?

-America’s CDC found on record to have admitted that  COVID-19 casualties were due to flue in US
-Flue season in US reported to have started in September
-1st Japanese couple tested positive for virus had US travel history of Hawaii and not China
-Majority of American COVID-19 victims not found having any foreign travel history
-Many Italians with COVID-19 had US travel history but none found having recent China trip
-CDC officials admit treating COVID-19 victims as normal Influenza patients in the beginning
-US athletes took part in Military World Games in Wuhan, shortly before first COVID-19 case was reported there
-Deceased Chinese doctor, Dr. Li Wenliang is believed to have been working on the arrival of this new virus after the Military Games event was over
-US govt found on record to have suspended research at its leading Biodefence Centre for negligent disposal of dangerous material
-Canadian research institute indicates US being the actual origin of COVID-19
-US NSA Robert O’Brien went on to claim, that China initially “covered up” the epidemic, while it appeared to be other way around
-5 US pharma firms like Johnson & Johnson and INOVIO Pharmaceuticals were working on Coronavirus vaccine much before it was reported in China
-A  biopharmaceutical company, funded by the Pentagon, just after 20 days of Wuhan episode claimed having produced a COVID-19 vaccine, meaning it was working on it much earlier
-Germans accuse US of trying to lure a drug maker working on Vaccine to shift work to America


(with Inputs from Sandra Johnson in Washington, Ajmal Khan in Islamabad, Claudia Briggida in Rome, Tehmina Mustapha in Tehran, Andrea Marcel in Berlin and Adam Wang in Vancouver)

While the US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien blamed China of initially covering up the emergence of COVID-19, the things actually molding to be the other way around, with many facts finding the US as the actual origin of the deadly virus, reveal the findings of The Daily Mail’s Investigation Cell.
These investigations indicate that the US authorities were either incapable of defining the spread of the Novel Coronavirus and took it as a routine influenza when it started to breakout during the Influenza season across the United States, most likely during September/October or they deliberately kept hiding it from the world until it reached China and went viral in Wuhan in January 2020.
According to international media reports, Redfield, Director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has confirmed that some COVID-19 deaths had been diagnosed as flu-related in the United States. The news has led to raise eyebrows of many researchers as about whether this new Coronavirus originated in the States in the first place as the flu season across the US began last September, months before the outbreak in Wuhan.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that Chinese city of Wuhan was the venue for hosting the 7th CISM Military World Games, commonly known as Wuhan 2019, that were held from October 18–27, 2019, just a month after the flu season had begun back in the US and over 300 participants from US Armed Forces represented US in this event at Wuhan.
The Daily Mail’s findings indicate that the deceased Chinese doctor, Dr. Li Wenliang of Wuhan Central Hospital, who later came to light as whistleblower of COVID-19 was most likely conducting some research work on the COVID-19 after he found the virus somehow during or after the Military World Games event but could not reach any conclusion about this alien virus but did divulge on it to express his suspicion over arrival of a new and dubious virus.
Some experts believe that there is a possibility that some unwitting and unaware courier in the US contingent might have brought the COVID-19 virus after being infected back in the US as a Director -level officer of the US Centre for Diseases Control (CDC) is on record to have admitted there could be a possibility of treating the COVID-19 victims in the US as normal influenza patients, in the beginning. This US official took 20 days to make this admission as the questions in this regard started surfacing when the Japanese couple was tested positive for COVID-19 in Japan after returning from a trip to Hawaii, where they were reportedly treated as having seasonal influenza. The findings indicate that on February 21, a program produced by a TV Channel in Japan questioned whether some Coronavirus patients were treated as flu patients, given the poor health checkups ordinary Americans have and the similar symptoms it shares with COVID-19. The CDC initially refuted the possibility suggested by the Japanese television network. However, 20 days later, its director made a U-turn, admitting such cases.
These investigations indicate that many of the Americans that have been tested positive for COVID-19 did not have the history of travelling to China or having interacting with those who had visited China in recent time. Similarly the figures in Italy, the new hub of COVID-19 attacks, also show the victims had no travel history to China while many of them actually had travelled to different places in the US recently while Iranians say that their initial infected nationals had return from a foreign trip that included a few European countries and the US but had never been to China.

The media reports indicate that the shutdown of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick in July 2019 adds credence to the suspicion. According to a report by leading US newspaper, the New York Times, “Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center,” where research involved dangerous microbes like the Ebola virus.

Similarly, an article published on the website of the Canada-based Center for Research on Globalization earlier this month also asked, “Did the virus originate in the US?” The author, Larry Romanoff, quoted a top virologist in Taiwan, who said both Iran and Italy had deciphered the locally prevalent genome and had declared them of different varieties from those in China, meaning they did not originate there but were of necessity introduced from another source. The article points out, “Due to the enormous amount of Western media coverage focused on China, much of the world believes the Coronavirus spread to all other nations from China, but this now appears to have been proven wrong.”

In another similar development, an article published on The Lancet medical journal’s website indicates that the origin of the virus may differ from what was first thought. Seven clinicians from Jinyintan Hospital, one of the key hospitals treating COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, revealed in the paper that 13 of the first 41 cases they treated had no link to the Huanan Seafood Market, the initial location to which cases of COVID-19 were linked, and, “No epidemiological link was found between the first patient and later cases.” nonetheless, an article published by the Science journal quotes an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University, Daniel Lucey as saying, “That’s a big number, 13, with no link.” He further noted if the new data was accurate then the virus possibly spread silently between people in Wuhan—and perhaps elsewhere—before the cluster of cases from the seafood market was discovered in late December.
The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that another factor that indicates the US being the actual origin of COVID-19 is the unprecedented spread of virus amongst the elite class of the American society despite the fact that the Trump administration had banned flight operations with China right in the beginning and later claimed that the move was made for buying time to counter the virus spread but couldn’t prove it by any means.

These findings indicate that 5 out of 9 global pharmaceutical giants, engaged in the making of the vaccine to kill COVID-19 are American and are reported have obtained huge funding for the purpose much before the epidemic started from China. These investigations also indicate that a Pentagon-funded company Medicago claimed of creating the anti-COVID-19 Vaccine just 20 days after China shared the Coronavirus’s genetic sequence with global community, meaning that they were working on it much earlier than it was discovered in China.
In another development, reports arriving from Germany indicate that the US government secretly approached a German drug maker, reported to be very close to come up with an effective vaccine and told him to shift his work to the US from Germany or/and start making the vaccine “ Exclusively” for the US.
Welt am Sonntag, a German newspaper is on record to have reported that President Donald Trump had offered funds to lure the said German company, CureVac, to the United States, and the German government was making counter-offers to tempt it to stay.
“The German government is very interested in ensuring that vaccines and active substances against the new Coronavirus are also developed in Germany and Europe,” a German Health Ministry spokeswoman said, confirming a quote in the newspaper

Although the US officials have denied any such move yet it stands confirmed that that Cure Vac management held some meetings with US officials. On its website, CureVac is on record to have said on its own website that its CEO Daniel Menichella did meet with US President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force etc to discuss vaccine.
Karl Lauterbach, a professor of health economics and epidemiology who is also a senior lawmaker with Germany’s Social Democrats, tweeted in reaction to the Welt am Sonntag report: “The exclusive sale of a possible vaccine to the USA must be prevented by all means. Capitalism has limits.”
The source of the virus is a scientific issue and requires scientific and professional investigation. Global epidemic prevention and control is at a critical stage. At the time of filing this report, there are over 80,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 outside China with over 3,000 deaths. Further investigations are going on by the team of investigating journalist of The Daily Mail which would be shared with the readers as soon as are matured and verified.