Islamabad blames ‘breakdown of diplomacy’ over Iran, Israel clash

By Our Diplomatic Correspondent

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan expressed ‘deep concern’ on Sunday over the ongoing developments in the Middle East and said that there is an urgent need to stabilize the situation and restore peace. According to the statement by the FO spokesperson, for several months, Pakistan has emphasized the need for international efforts to ensure peace in the region and a ceasefire in Gaza.
Pakistan had pointed to the attack on the Iranian consular office in Syria on April 2 as a major escalation in the region and today’s developments show a breakdown in diplomacy, the FO said.
The statement added that such incidents also underline the grave implications in cases where the UN Security Council is unable to fulfil its responsibilities of maintaining international peace and security.
Pakistan called on all parties to exercise utmost restraint and move towards de-escalation.
Earlier, Pakistan welcomed the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel following its invasion of Gaza.
“We consider the ICJ’s ruling timely and a significant milestone in the pursuit of justice for the Palestin-ian people and international accountability of Israel,” the FO said.
Pakistan called for the full and effective implementation of the ICJ’s decision so that basic human rights, dignity and identity of Palestinian people as a distinct group were upheld and protected, as stipulated by the United Nations Charter, relevant UN resolutions, and international law.
“Pakistan reaffirms its unwavering support to the Palestinian people in their just and legitimate strug-gle for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination.”
With a similar spirit, “Pakistan has supported the application filed by South Africa before the ICJ against Israel under the 1948 Genocide Convention, in follow up to which the Court today announced the pro-visional measures,” it added.
Meanwhile, the Iranian embassy, in a statement, said that the attack was a proportionate military ac-tion against the Zionist regime aimed at targeting the military bases in occupied Palestine.
“No civilians and non-military centres including cities, hospitals, synagogues, infrastructures etc. were targeted. This action was carried out within the framework of the inherent and legitimate right of self-defence according to Article 51 of the United Nations Organisation Charter,” it added.
The statement said that the action was taken in response to the Zionist regime’s military attack target-ing the consular section of the Islamic Republic of Iran embassy in Damascus, which led to the killing of seven Iranian military advisers who were present in Syria at the official invitation of the Syrian gov-ernment.
“This action of the Zionist regime violated the 1961 Vienna Convention, the 1973 New York Convention and other international laws and regulations,” it said.
“The Islamic Republic of Iran has already and repeatedly stated that in its principled framework, it does not seek to expand the scope of the war and escalations in the region and it has shown this issue in its responsible restraint. Though, restraint is not permanent because the continuation of that has led to the miscalculation by the Zionist regime.”
It said that the root of the continued current crisis in the region is the Zionist regime’s aggression and genocide in Gaza. “The key to solving the current situation is the immediate cessation of war and ceasefire in Gaza and the free flow of humanitarian aid to the war-stricken regions,” it added.
It further said that Iran’s response was minimal and at a minimum range. “It could have been more se-vere, but this time it was to punish the Zionist regime. If, after Iran’s response, the regime acts again, this time Iranian response will be more severe and decisive,” it concluded.