Islamabad Mayor reviews arrangements for Muharram

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The Mayor of Islamabad, Sheikh Ansar Aziz reviewed the arrangements made by the Metropolitan Corporation (MCI) on the occasion of Muharram-ul-Haram.
According to details, the Mayor of Islamabad, Sheikh Ansar Aziz in a special meeting review the arrangements made by the corporation for the 9th and 10th Muharram processions. The processions routes will be dotted with sabeel stalls, to provide water and milk to participants and general public. The mayor will personally oversee the arrangements made by the Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad (MCI) for Muharram.
The mayor will also visit Islamabad procession routes and central mourning procession. In this regard, the Mayor of Islamabad Sheikh Ansar Aziz has said that milk and water sabeels will be set up by the corporation on the
routes of Muharram processions and around the central procession, which he will personally supervise.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayor; Syed Zeeshan Naqvi, Director General Water Management and Director Sanitation; Sardar Khan Zamri, Director Water Supply, Director City Sewerage, Director Emergency Disaster
Management (E&DM) Iftikhar Haideri, Director Environment, Director Roads, Media Coordinator; Mohsin Sherazi, along with heads of other relevant departments.