Israel eases restrictions on Gaza

GAZA: Israel on Tuesday eased some restrictions imposed on the Gaza Strip three weeks ago, following a Qatar-brokered cease-fire reached between the Hamas movement and Israel, Palestinian sources said.
In Gaza, Palestinian security sources said that Israel reopened the commercial crossing of Kerem Shalom on the borders between southeast Gaza Strip and Israel to allow shipment of fuel and other essential goods into the enclave.
The sources said that Israel allowed scores of trucks loaded with goods and fuel tankers to enter through the crossing and ship their loads into Gaza after closing the crossing for 20 days.
Following a wave of tension between Hamas and Israel, the latter tightened its measures on the Gaza Strip to pressure Hamas to stop launching incendiary balloons and homemade projectiles into southern Israel.
Israel banned fishers to fish off the Gaza Strip coast and prohibited the shipment of fuel, construction materials, and other kinds of goods and products, except for food and medicine.
The sources told Xinhua that after allowing the fuel shipment into Gaza, the sole power station would operate regularly after it stopped generating electricity to more than 2 million people in the enclave on Aug. 16.–Agencies