Israel heads for 4th election within 2 years

Middle East Desk

JERUSALEM: Experts say that a new general election may turn to an internal fight for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as the coalition government collapsed on Tuesday, leading the country to the fourth elections within two years.
The government, formed just seven months ago, was plagued by consistent infighting. As the deadline for the approval of an annual budget passed on midnight, Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, automatically dissolved. Elections are set for late March 2021.
The government, led by Netanyahu and Defense Minister Benny Gantz, failed to tackle the crisis or any other issues. Netanyahu is under indictment on three corruption charges.
According to the coalition agreement, Netanyahu was supposed to hand over the premiership to Gantz in November 2021. From the beginning, many believed Netanyahu would not keep his promise because he wanted to remain in power while on trial. While he has now averted vacating his seat for Gantz, a new election may be a major gamble for Netanyahu.
In recent months, two opponents from within his bloc have emerged, threatening his ability to form a government after the election.