Israel unleashes hell in West Bank

DM Monitoring
RAMALLAH: Israeli soldiers shot dead night a Palestinian young man near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.
The Palestinian Health Ministry said in a press statement that the Palestinian civil liaison informed the ministry that a Palestinian young man was shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the village of Beit Awa, south of Hebron.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said in a short press statement that the Israeli soldiers prevented its medical crews from reaching the area where the young man was shot.
Palestinian security sources said that Israeli soldiers opened fire at three Palestinian young men who were trying to throw a Molotov cocktail bottle at Israeli army forces, and one of them was killed.
Palestinian eyewitnesses said clashes broke out in the village after the young man died, and the villagers threw stones at the soldiers.
Meanwhile, the Israeli army said in a press statement that the Israeli force found that the three men were trying to throw fire bombs at an Israeli vehicle, and the Israeli soldiers shot one of them and arrested the other two.
Meanwhile, The Israeli army said its airplanes attacked several Hamas targets located in the northern Gaza Strip early Saturday morning in response to rocket fire from Gaza.
Israeli fighter jets and aircraft struck Hamas targets in the northern Gaza Strip and a military compound was among the sites targeted, in response to a rocket identified from the Gaza Strip towards Israel on Friday overnight, said the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a statement issued Saturday morning.
“The IDF views all types of fire directed at Israel with great severity and will continue operating as necessary against attempts to harm Israeli civilians,” added the statement.
The statement noted that “Hamas is responsible for everything that takes place within the Gaza Strip and emanates from it and will bear the consequences for all terror activity targeting Israeli civilians.”
Tensions between Israel and the Gaza Strip were again activated by the killing of Islamic Jihad’s senior commander Baha Abu al-Atta by Israeli airstrikes, which targeted his home in Gaza city and killed him and his wife on Nov. 12. Islamic Jihad responded with firing at least 450 rockets into Israel, causing no fatalities.
In Gaza, Israeli strikes claimed the lives of 34 people, including at least 15 civilians. On Nov. 14, the Israeli military and the Islamic Jihad announced that an Egyptian-brokered cease-fire was agreed.