IT services exports benefit Pakistan $2369m

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan earned US$ 2,369.110 million by providing different In-formation Technology (IT) services to various countries during the first eleven months of the fiscal year 2022-23.
This shows a nominal decline of 0.59 percent as compared to US$ 2,383.140 mil-lion earned through the provision of services during the corresponding months of the fiscal year 2021-22, the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) reported.
During July-May (2022-23), the export of computer services declined by 0.16 percent as it went down from US$ 1,913.360 million last fiscal year to US$ 1,910.39 million this year.
Among the computer services, the exports of software consultancy services wit-nessed a decrease of 2.38 percent, from US$ 715.743 million to US$ 698.737 mil-lion while the exports of hardware consultancy services rose by 114.50 percent from US$ 2.448 million to US$ 5.251 million.
The export and import of computer software-related services surged by 5.47 per-cent, from US$ 512.167 million to US$ 540.169 million whereas the exports of repair and maintenance services increased to US$ 2.822 million from US$ 1.435 million.
In addition, the exports of other computer services witnessed a decrease of 2.66 percent going down from US$ 681.567 million to US$ 663.411 million.
Meanwhile, the export of information services during the period under review declined by 8.91 percent going down from US$ 4.940 million to US$ 4.500 mil-lion.
Among the information services, the exports of news agency services decreased by 18.21 percent, from US$ 3.234 million to US$ 2.645 million whereas the ex-ports of other information services, however, increased by 8.73 percent, from US$ 1.706 million to US$ 1.855 million.
The export of telecommunication services witnessed a decrease of 2.28 percent from US$ 464.840 million to US$ 454.220 million during the months under re-view, the data revealed.
Among the telecommunication services, the export of call centre services in-creased by 7.55 percent during the period as its exports increased from US$ 197.265 million to US$ 212.158 million whereas the export of other telecommu-nication services decreased by 9.53 percent, from US$ 267.575 million to US$ 242.062 million during the period under review, the PBS data revealed.