J-10C, J-11B shine in recent Pak-China air drills

BEIJING: The recently concluded China-Pakistan air exercises benefited both sides, as Chinese pilots could learn from their Pakistani counterparts’ maneuvers and experiences, and China’s J-10C and J-11B fighter jets could be used to simulate India’s Rafale and Su-30 fighter jets in mock battles, Chinese analysts said. The J-10C and J-11B are very suitable to simulate India’s fighter jets in mock battles, Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times.
Many aspects of the J-10C mid-sized fighter jet, including the size, aerodynamic characteristics, aviation and weapon systems and overall combat capability, are comparable to the France-made Rafale, a type of fighter jet in service with the Indian Air Force, Fu said, noting that the J-11B heavy fighter jet has very similar appearance with India’s Su-30 fighter jet but with superior avionics system.
The deployment of Chinese special mission aircraft like early warning aircraft and electronic warfare aircraft would contribute to the improvement of joint operations in an integrated combat system, Fu said. Air forces from both sides focused on large scale confrontation, including large scale aerial battles and use of forces in mass and close-quarters aerial support, CCTV said, noting that more than 200 sorties were conducted by both sides, as both forces’ combat capabilities were boosted in learning from each other.
Chinese pilots could learn from the aggressive maneuvers and rich experiences of Pakistani pilots, Fu said. Unlike previous Shaheen series exercises, this time we comprehensively deployed aviation forces and paratroopers, and added real combat-oriented training courses like maritime training for the first time, said Ding Yuanfang, a Chinese Air Force deputy brigade commander.
With the last Y-20 transport aircraft carrying Chinese troops returning to China from Pakistan recently, the Shaheen-IX joint air exercises between China and Pakistan ended successfully.
The joint exercises started on December 7 in Pakistan and lasted about 20 days, with China sending warplanes including J-10C, J-11B fighter jets, KJ-500 early warning aircraft and Y-8 electronic warfare aircraft, and Pakistan sending warplanes including the JF-17 and Mirage III fighter jets. The multi-subject practical Chinese and Pakistani air forces joint training recently concluded at an Air Force Base in Pakistan has achieved the expected goals, Chinese Defense Ministry’s Spokesperson Colonel Tan Kefei said.
From December 7th to 25th, the Chinese and Pakistani air forces held a joint training code-named “Eagle- at the Pakistani Air Force Base. The two sides carried out multi-subject practical joint training, which achieved the expected goals, he said during his monthly briefing held here. The spokesperson said that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners. China-Pakistan relations are at the best.
“In recent years, under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, the two sides have continuously strengthened cooperation in various fields and firmly supported each other on issues concerning each other’s core interests, creating a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future in the new era,” he added. Col Tan Kefei remarked that the military relations between China and Pakistan are an important pillar of the relations between the two countries.
“Since the beginning of this year, the high level of the two militaries have maintained close strategic communication, and the two militaries have carried out in-depth practical cooperation in related fields, which reflects the brotherhood of standing in the same boat and overcoming difficulties together,” he added.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item