Jeenbekov reviews uplift projects

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: In another interview with Birinchi Radio station of the Public Broadcasting Corporation on Aug. 8, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov focused on national projects for regional development.
Jeenbekov noted he is familiar with the problems of villages: lack of money and opportunities for local authorities to create conditions for comfortable life in the regions and jobs, which makes people leave for big cities and regional centers of Kyrgyzstan, as well as to foreign countries.
“We always say that 70% of the population lives in rural areas. But in fact, many have left the villages. We must create conditions for them to return to their native village, or at least make sure that the younger generation, the youth stay there, can live and earn money on their native land. What should be done for this? It is necessary to direct the funds of the state for this purpose. Today, all opportunities of the state, the budget, funds such as the Kyrgyz-Russian Fund, as well as funds raised from outside go to the regions”, Jeenbekov stressed.
Another important project is to provide 822 villages in all regions of the country with clean water by 2024. The project worth KGS 33 billion will be financed through grants and long-term credits.
One more large-scale project is the development of an irrigation system on rainfed land, in connection with which the programme until 2026 was adopted. It will be implemented in three stages, two of them during the presidency of Jeenbekov.
31 water facilities are planned to be put into operation by 2024. As a result, 27 thousand hectares of new irrigated lands will be developed, and water supply of 46 thousand hectares of land will be improved. This year it is planned to develop 1700 hectares of new irrigated lands.
For example, the construction of the Maksat duker in Leilek region of Batken Oblast – one of the major irrigation projects in the country, will be launched this autumn.
Earlier, Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov held Friday online meeting with Minister of Finance Baktygul Jeenbayeva.
The current situation with regard to the execution of the republican budget was discussed.
Also, the sides considered issues on payments to medical workers, financing national projects and social programs, as well as the allocation of funds for the reconstruction of schools and hospitals, the press service of the Kyrgyz president reported.
Minister Jeenbayeva informed about the execution of the republican budget for 7 months, presented materials on finding additional reserves, which can cover the budget deficit.