Jinan renews policies to attract graduates

Jinan: Jinan, capital of East China’s Shandong province, has recently renewed its 40 policies to attract college graduates and support their employment and entrepreneurship in the city.
The city will award 500 outstanding graduates, from the universities based in Jinan, 3,000 yuan ($420) each, and graduates from other universities will each receive 1,000 yuan when they go to Jinan for job seeking within a year after graduation.
Once graduates have signed a labor contract with a term of more than one year and have paid social insurance for over four months, they could get one-time subsidy of 2,000 yuan per person. Unemployed graduates who complete short-term skills training and get certified can receive a 3,000 yuan subsidy if they secure a job with a local company.
Small and micro companies will get one-time incentives while hiring college graduates, receive subsidies for paying social insurances for graduates and enjoy insurance rate cuts, according to the policies.
Enterprises, public institutions, social organizations and government-supported projects are encouraged to create at least 10,000 intern opportunities for graduates. The interns will get a basic living allowance (not lower than the local minimum wage standard) and be covered by personal accident insurance. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item