Journalists remain unprotected

ISLAMABAD: The annual report by the Freedom Network on the state of impunity against media practitioners in Pakistan reveals that despite groundbreaking legislation two years ago, Pakistan continues to grapple with a rise in crimes against journalists, it emerged on Sunday.
Back in 2021, Pakistan set a global precedent by enacting specialized laws aimed at safeguarding journalists.
The Sindh government introduced the Sindh Protection of Journalists and other Media Practitioners Act 2021, swiftly followed by the National Assembly passing the Protection of Journalists and Media Professionals Act 2021.
However, according to a press release, the report reveals the inefficacy of these laws in combating the escalating impunity against media professionals.
The statistics presented in the report are alarming and indicate a surge in the persecution of journalists, particularly by government authorities and state agencies.
These violations include instances of kidnapping, physical assaults, and legal cases, often on unproven charges such as sedition, treason, and electronic crimes.
The report also sheds light on the attacks against journalists that largely occurred in regions where legislation aimed at their protection was enacted.
The report noted that eleven journalists lost their lives in the line of duty between August 2021 and August 2023. –Agencies