Justice Faez Isa delivers lecture on Environment and Islam

By Asim Hussain

ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Judge Justice Qazi Faez Isa on Tuesday delivered a lecture on “Environment and Islam” at Shariah Academy of International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI).
The lecture was part of academy’s Sarakhsi lecture series where top court judge discussed cases on practical application of Shariah principles to laws governing Wildlife, probation, built environment, parks, trees and aquifers. It was also attended by IIUI Rector Dr. Masoom Yasinzai, Director General Shariah Academy, Dr. Abdul Haye Abro, university and academy’s faculty. It was also attended by Judges, attorneys, Qazis, Prosecutors and Law officers of the academy’s 62 regular course and lawyers from Gilgit Baltistan and Chitral bars.
Justice Faez Isa highlighted the teachings of Islam with examples that how judges can benefit from the Islamic teachings in the judicial verdicts. Justice Isa relied on extracts from the Quran and Hadith to illustrate that religion does address the issue of environmental protection and preservation of nature. He maintained that religious teachings must be given due importance in the cases related to environment such as wildlife, parks and trees and built environment. He stressed upon resuscitating the religious view of nature while calling upon academia to focus on environmental curricula in the light of Islamic teachings.
On the occasion, in his speech, IIUI Rector hailed the efforts of academy for orientation, training and collaborations with the legal fraternity. He said the series of lectures is an important activity that will provide an opportunity to the participants double the experience and learn from the most veteran and best names of Pakistani judicial system. Earlier, Dr. Abdul Haye Abro, while thanking the participants, resource persons and administration of the lecture elaborated the objectives and importance of the activity. The course coordinator, Dr. Asghar Shehzad shared details and schedule of the course with the participants.