Justice Neelum’s appointment challenged

ISLAMABAD: The appointment of Justice Aalia Neelum as Chief Justice (CJ) Lahore High Court (LHC) has been challenged in Supreme Court of Pakistan.
As per details, the plea was filed by a member of Pakistan Bar Council (PBC) in Supreme Court, stating that the seniority principle has already been elaborated in the Aljihad Trust case.
On July 11, Justice Aalia Neelum took oath as the first-ever female chief justice (CJ) of Lahore High Court (LHC). Punjab Governor, Saleem Haider administered oath to Chief Justice LHC at a ceremony held at the Governor’s House.
The ceremony was attended by Punjab CM Maryam Nawaz, high court judges and other officials.
The Judicial Commission of Pakistan unanimously nominated Justice Aalia for the LHC CJ’s post and Justice Shafi for the SHC’s top post in June. President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday approved the appointment of Justice Aalia Neelum as LHC CJ.
ustice Aalia Neelum, a renowned jurist, started her practice as a lawyer in 1996 and was elevated to a judge of the Lahore High Court in 2013. –Agencies