K-Electric provides relief to power consumers amid Coronavirus pandemic

KARACHI: Karachi Electric (KE) has asked for a relief in payment of pending dues to the government and its related institutes in the wake of novel coronavirus outbreak. K-Electric has asked Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) to suspend their demand for tarrifs till the threat of novel coronavirus exists. The request asks for a one-month relief from the gas provider, tendered by the power generation company. The electricity company was asked to give relief to its consumers who have been facing tremendous hardship due to the dangerous pathogen that has wreaked havoc across the world. Residential houses on a single phase who consume less than 300 units in a month will henceforth pay their bills in three installments. The electricity provider gave a negligible relief to its customers but in-turn asked the government for extraordinary leverage for themselves. K-Electric pushed the due dates of electricity bills by one week, only applicable on bills below Rs4000. While Bills ranging above Rs4000 are past their due dates, which was April 7. COVID-19 has had very adverse effects on economy and the social structure of the society where shops have remained closed since the lockdown was announced leaving many in a rock and a hard place situation.