Karabakh opens a new page in Azerbaijani history: Russian MP

DM Monitoring

Moscow: The end of the Karabakh conflict has already opened a new page in the history of Azerbaijan, Member of the Russian State Duma, head of the Russia-Azerbaijan Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group Dmitry Savelyev said.
Savelyev expressed his confidence that in the coming years the whole world will see a rapid economic and cultural recovery in the liberated Azerbaijani territories.
“The recent statement on the restoration of the transport structure in the region, adopted by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia will help launch the mechanism of international integration in the South Caucasus,” he said.
“The opening of transport communications will allow establishing direct communication between Azerbaijan’s main territory and its exclave the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, as well as Turkey, while Armenia will receive a railway access to Russia and Iran.”
“All this will give a powerful impetus to the economic development of the South Caucasus and strengthen geopolitical stability in the region,” stressed the MP.
According to him, the Azerbaijani territories liberated from the Armenian occupation have large economic and natural resources.
“It must be understood that the liberated territories have an area similar to any of the European countries, and, accordingly, are rich with economic and natural resources,” Savelyev further noted.
He emphasized that, especially, the fertile lands of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in the shortest possible time can raise by several times the volume of agricultural and livestock products, and various mineral deposits will become a raw material basis for many sectors of Azerbaijani industry.
“The approximate energy potential of the region’s subsoil is 200 million tons of oil and 250 billion cubic meters of gas, and 25 percent of the country’s water reserves, which are formed in Karabakh, will allow the restoration of the work of 3 large hydroelectric power plants,” he noted.
“Moreover, almost 40 percent of the mineral water resources of all Azerbaijan, amazing nature, very unique monuments of history and culture can be used to create tourist and health-improving clusters.
All this, systematically developed, will greatly strengthen Azerbaijan’s position in the world economy.”
The MP also pointed out that in the entire post-Soviet space Azerbaijan remained one of the few countries where the traditions of friendship between peoples were not only preserved, but served as the basis for a new direction – the policy of multiculturalism, which corresponds to the spirit of the Azerbaijani people and its historical traditions.