Kashmir Black Day observed in Beijing

From Our orrespondent

BEIJING: Kashmir Black Day was observed here on Tuesday to express solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for the right to self determination and expose atrocities being committed by Indian troops against innocent Kashmiri people in the illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Addressing the participants, Pakistan’s Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque paid rich tributes to the just and fair struggle of the Kashmiri people and said that the purpose of observing this day is not only to highlight the plight of Kashmiri people but to revive the memory of the Black Day when Indian forces illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir on this day in 1947.
He said that the international community should take notice of the presence of one million Indian troops, complete lock down and gross human rights violations by the Indian troops deployed in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.The Ambassador observed that India never fulfilled its promise of holding a plebiscite in Kashmir, despite numerous resolutions passed by UN Security Council on Kashmir issue. He reaffirmed Pakistan’s unflinching diplomatic, moral and political support to the freedom struggle of the Kashmiri people and urged the international community to fulfill its promise to them in securing their right of self-determination.
He expressed his gratitude on behalf of people of Kashmir and Pakistan, to the people and the Chinese government for the all out support for Kashmir issue and freedom struggle of Kashmiri people. The Ambassador reiterated that as the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan in their messages said, the people of Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiri brethren and will always be voice of Kashmiris in every international forum.
Earlier, Deputy Head of Mission, Ahmed Farooq read out messages of President Dr. Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan on the day. A video documentary screened on a large projector showcasing Kashmir issue generated great interest amongst the audience. The students of Peking University Beijing also attended the event and spoke on Kashmir issue. They expressed their full support and solidarity for the people of Kashmir in their just freedom struggle.
A song reflecting plight of Kashmiri people as well as their freedom struggle was also played on the occasion. In the end, a special ‘Dua’ was offered for Kashmiri martyrs and for the liberation of Jammu and Kashmir. The event was attended by all the officers /officials of the Embassy.