Kashmir Conflict-Lessons for Pakistan

Babar Ali Malik

As all the Pakistani Nation stands in unprecedented support to Kashmir dispute and to condemn the brutal and severe violation of the human right in Kashmir, one has to reflect back that how this issue actually originated. The root cause analysis of the given dispute will provide wonderful insights and some knowledge in how to approach this divulging and desecrate conflict and better help to analyse it from a varied perspective. The need of the time is to show resistance to this inhuman and derogatory treatment of Kashmiri people but it is equally important to map out the historical set of event that has materialized in this wide ranging dispute that in turns threatens the security and stability of the entire region.
The question remains very simple that who are the master minds that actually wanted subcontinent to inherent this conflicts that will consume a vast majority of economic resources of India and Pakistan. Well the answer is very simple the subcontinent’s former colonial power. If one turns the pages of history it is very evident that Mountbatten has shrewdly planned this conflicts that will engulf the generations for years to come. The principle of ‘divide and rule’ was not abandoned but applied with full force and functionality. Radcliffe under the influence of Mountbatten has awarded the Gurdaspur district (Muslim majority) of Eastern Punjab to India as reported by Stanely Woplert and Andre Robert- two most renowned British and American historians. These districts gave India a very easy access to the Kashmir Valley. Tainted stained cover for supporting India has yielded catastrophic circumstances for both India and Pakistan. In this horrendous fiasco of throwing away regions, districts and province in the laps of Pakistan and India, the innate intention was to provide them with a reason of conflict. This has proved and remained as the primary hindrance of socio-economic development of the entire sub-continent. This is a cancer that was cunningly planned and injected in the roots of both countries. People, who are recording their protest against the atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir by India, should also protest in front of British High Commission as well. As their forefathers were the masterminds of this meticulously created and overly exasperated melodrama.
The synchronization and attuning to the development of Kashmir, was and will be the vision of India. India still remains the major beneficiary of the partition because of imbibing to the former colonial power to attain favours. India has repeatedly cheated Pakistan in the Kashmir issue and this show of valiant treachery and perfidy will continue for the other coming decades. India has planned its economic and water distribution strategy and in its execution, Kashmir is the pivotal point. It will be foolish on Pakistan part to still think that any ruling political party in India, whether Hindu influenced RSS ideology or a secular party will show any leniency in its commitment to leave Kashmir.
Pakistan has to pick its card very carefully, as it is not in position of combat. Pakistan has to inject the tranquiliser of deluded reality in its minds and restrain its efforts to the mere statement and protest to show solidarity with evolving but declining situation of Kashmir. As this is what is expected from us by the master minds and this expectation will continue in the coming future. Saddening but a true reality is that proponents of colonial mind set are still very active in South East Asia and they are torch bearers of master minds. Pakistani nation should very solemnly demand serious actions and not just useless lip service on the Kashmir cause. At least they have the right to expound on the same cancer that has drained their country of precious resource for decades. Where is the application of these resources? Where are the tangible efforts to address this grave issue? I am sure that the master minds do not want to provide answers to these questions.
What Pakistani nation can do least in this situation is to be watchful of heavily dogmatic remains of colonial time and not to put effort to make them stronger. This is dire need of the moment to reflect on Pakistan strategic priorities. The world will soon be entering the 4th Industrial Revolution and Pakistan is still struck in the paradoxes of early decolonized irregularities. Why should Pakistan channelize its efforts for this primitive inundated issue? It should set its priority to benefit from the vast availability of tremendous resource for its prosperity. This is not what the master minds want us to do. They want us to be captured by this issue in its totality so they can be still in this game. Let’s not engage in the disembowelled display of predominantly eccentric plot of the master minds.
Pakistan should not abandon the Kashmir cause. It should advocate it on the basic human values. This will strongly appeal the global community and will yield fruitful results. This will not only ambush but also reciprocate a message that will strongly support the Kashmir cause. This can be achieved at all level and mediums of advocacy and at present remain the most prudent approach to address this issue.
Babar Ali Malik is Fellow of Atlas Corps U.S.A and graduate of University of Glasgow U.K; Email: babarfcc@gmail.com