‘Kashmir freedom not far away now’

By Asim Hussein

ISLAMABAD: Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Khan Afridi on Tuesday said that Kashmir freedom was not far away now.
Addressing the young Kashmir ambassadors here, he said India was trying to distract the Pakistani youth with lies and mendacity to divide and distract Pakistani youth on ethnic, linguistic, sectarian and religious lines.
Afridi extolled the sacrifices, resistance and forbearance shown by Kashmiri youth against Indian oppression and said that the courageous struggle of Kashmiri youth was a model for the world.
“Kashmir freedom is not far now. The Indian regime under Narendra Modi has further internationalized Kashmir conflict. Now the world is ready to intervene and the successive offers by world leaders to resolve Kashmir issue reflect the success is not far away.
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You may be the lucky generation who may witness the freedom of Kashmir,” said Shehryar Afridi.
He warned the youth of a hybrid war imposed on Pakistan through social media.
“We need to remain cautious of the hybrid war that aims at dividing us. We need to shun the vicious propaganda of the enemy. Unity, discipline and patriotism are our best tools to frustrate the enemy’s designs,” he added.
Afridi said that youth must stand firm for the cause of Kashmir and they should remember how bravely the people of Kashmir were sacrificing against the oppressive and occupant regime of India.
He said there were thousands of Kashmiris who were languishing in jails for their wish and desire for freedom.
“There are thousands of youth who are fighting the occupation forces who are equipped with most modern weaponry.