‘Kashmir remains unfinished agenda’

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Khan Gandapur Tuesday said that the Kashmir was the unfinished agenda of the division of subcontinent and Pakistan would continue unconditional support to Kashmiris.
Addressing the Solidarity with Kashmiri Youth Conference, organized by Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) administration and National Highways Authority (NHA), he said Kashmir issue has already been internationalized by Prime Minister Imran Khan. He has vociferously raised Kashmir issue in different world fora. The countries did not want to speak on Kashmir issue now has started raising their voice in favour of Kashmiris.
He said over 900,000 Indian forces were committing unprecedented human rights violations in occupied Kashmir and they were waiting for implementation on resolutions of United Nations for the last seen decades. Kashmir was not the priority of former governments. Time is not far when Kashmiris will enjoy freedom. Indian Prime Minister Naredera Modi’s ideology has already caused much damage to world’s peace, he said.