Kashmir Solidarity Day

The 73 years had gone that Kashmir is in the chains, the humanity is suffering on the hands of hypocrisy and the human rights had been halted under the guns, the people of Kashmir are gazing behind the bars for their savior to come. This is the fatal story of 13.6 million Kashmiris detain in Modi’s open prison of Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The so-called biggest democracy became unashamed on this catastrophic tale and the human rights defenders had turned their blind eye to human crisis in the IIOJK. All human norms and rights had been proved to be fluffy in front of monetary interests of big powers. In the ages of disappointment, calamities and grief, the Kashmiri people did not lose their hope in the people and the government of Pakistan, whereas, the government and the people of Pakistan always stood up for Kashmir and their Kashmiri brothers and sisters. Pakistanis had a relation of blood and soul with Kashmir. Quaid-e-Azam termed the Kashmir as jugular vein of Pakistan. Each year on 5th February, Government and the People of Pakistan observed the Kashmir solidarity day to mark their commitment and dedication with their Kashmiri brethren. The chain of hands across the borders of Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir at Kohala bridge displays the bond of our blood and mass between the two sides. India brazenly put aside the all UN resolutions calling for free and fair plebiscites in Jammu and Kashmir and continuously engaged in coercive measures to curb the freedom struggle of the people of Kashmir. The people of Pakistan had rendered all possible efforts to get freedom for the people of Kashmir. Pakistan had fought three wars on Kashmir dispute with India and always provided moral, political, and diplomatic support to the people of Kashmir. After attaining Nuclear status by India and Pakistan, Kashmir became a nuclear flash point in the region. Due to Pakistan nuclear and missile weaponry, and significant preparedness in three conventional military domains including Army, Naval and Air Power, India does not have much courage to engage Pakistan in any military conflict, rather it went to hybrid and proxy war against Pakistan and the Kashmiri freedom fighters. India staged false flag operations to defame Kashmir freedom fighters as terrorist and intimidates Pakistan on this false pretext. Indian hybrid war has been exposed by EU Disinfo-Lab during recent weeks.
According to EU-Disinfo Lab report, India created hundreds of fake journalist identities, generated more than 750 media outlets and registered more than 550 fake domain names and Indian news agency, ANI, repackaged and amplified the malicious content produced in Brussels and Geneva.

As counter narrative, India is using its proxies to malign Pakistan through false propaganda on Gilgit Baltistan. India purchased loyalties of few Baltistan perpetrators and Kashmiri remotests sitting abroad for creating anti-Pakistan rhetoric at international forum. The facts have been revealed by a Gilgit Baltistan sub-Nationalist Mehdi Shah Rizvi in a video message upload by him in recent days. The video message, Rizvi confessed that he has been misled and used by anti-Pakistan elements. He said that he was forced to make anti-Pakistan statements at different forums. According to Mehdi Shah Rizvi, Indian Intelligence Agency RAW had formed few paper human rights organizations abroad through its anti-Pakistan puppets from Gilgit Baltistan to launch anti-Pakistan narrative on Gilgit Baltistan. These spongy organizations are United Kashmir People’s National Party (UKPNP) formed by Shoukat Kashmiri, National Equality Party (NEP) JKGBL formed by Sajjad Raja, Dr. Amjad Ayub Mirza based in Scotland, Advocate Mehboob Afaq Bilour and others.

RAW also helped a notorious GB nationalist Hasnain Sikandar alias Senge Sering based in Washington DC, USA. RAW funded millions of dollars to Senge Sering to establish Institute for Gilgit Baltistan Studies, a paper think tank based in Washington DC. Senge Sering had visited New Delhi several time during past years and has nothing to do except attending anti-Pakistan events in USA, UK, and Geneva on financial expenses of the RAW.

Pakistan government must expose these Indian proxies on the lines of EU Disinfo-Lab moreover, campaign should be launched against these spongy organization in foreign Countries, whether these paper organization are registered with local government and their financial resources and audit. If government of Pakistan or any patriotic Pakistani raised these points with foreign LEAs, these proxies will be shred away in no time.