Kashmir Solidarity Day today

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Kashmir Solidarity Day will be observed on Wednesday to express wholehearted support of Pakistani nation to the inalienable right to self-determination under United Nations resolutions.
It will be a public holiday and preparations are in full swing to observe the Day to highlight the plight of oppressed Kashmiri people and remind the world community of its obligations towards the resolution of the longstanding dispute.
This time the day is being observed after India revoked the special status of occupied Kashmir in August last year to breach of all international laws, and since then the entire population of the held territory has been under lockdown.
On the occasion, Prime Minister Pakistan Imran Khan will address the special session of AJK Legislative Assembly in Muzaffarabad to express solidarity with the oppressed Kashmiri brethren.
Human chains will be formed at Kohala, Mangla, Holar and Azad Pattan points linking Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. In the federal capital, the citizens will form a human chain at D-Chowk to express solidarity with their oppressed Kashmiri brethren.
Rallies, public meetings, and seminars will be held across the country, including Azad Kashmir to draw attention of the world community towards grave human rights violations and brutalities against innocent Kashmiris by the Indian security forces. Banners highlighting the plight of innocent Kashmiris have been put on display at all important points and roads all over the country.
Meanwhile, Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan is organizing countrywide rallies and marches on occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day on Wednesday.
Ameer JI Senator Sirajul Haq will lead the historic march in Karachi while JI Secretary General Ameerul Azim is heading the rally at Lahore’s Mall Road, stated JI Information Secretary Qaisar Sharif, on Tuesday.
Similarly, JI Deputy Chiefs Liaqat Baloch, Rashid Naseem, Asadullah Bhutto, Mian Aslam and Abdul Ghaffar are leading rallies in Multan, Faisalabad, Sukkar, Islamabad and Sialkot respectively.
Senator Sirajul Haq has appealed to the masses to ensure their participation in Kashmir Solidarity rallies in full scale. Their historic attendance, he added, was necessary to convey a clear message to the world that every Pakistani was standing shoulder to shoulder with Kashmiris in their quest for freedom from Indian yoke. Although rulers have almost abandoned the Kashmir cause, but people of Pakistan were standing firm in support of their brethren.
The JI Ameer expressed concern over the silence of international human rights organization and the UNO on the atrocities being committed by Indian forces against the innocent people of Kashmir. He said the held region had turned into a largest jail in the world for over six months with millions of Kashmiris were turned into prisoners of New Delhi. He said the decades’ long struggle of Kashmiri people will soon bear fruit and dawn of freedom will soon rise on Kashmir.

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