Kashmiri children victims of Indian barbarity: Masood

ISLAMABAD: Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said that innocent children of Occupied Kashmir are the most affected victims of the barbarity and aggression of Indian occupation forces, and “these children since they have grown up, witnessed nothing except the sounds of Indian guns, cries of the injured and thick clouds of smoke rising from the arms and ammunition”.
“Hundreds of Kashmiri children have been killed by the Indian army during the last three decades while thousands of others have lost their parents, and many have passed their childhood in the Indian detention cells without any fault,” he added.
In interviews with different electronic channels on the occasion of the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression, the AJK president regretted that the children who were to get education and enjoy the life with their parents, sisters and brothers as well as friends and were to become a useful segment of the society, were killed, put behind the bars or deprived of their parents.
He said that three Kashmiri generations have grown up since the Indian aggression in Kashmir, but these generations have no ray of hope about their future because the so-called champions of human rights and the children rights across the world have shut their eyes towards the situation in Kashmir and given free hand to India to commit every kind of barbarity against the innocent children, women and the youth. President Masood said that after stripping the disputed territory of its special status, India has now invoked the policy of ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri people in order to change the demography of the state.
“Introduction of new domicile law, bifurcation of the state and to make it part of the union of India, and settling of non-Muslims and Hindus of India in Kashmir are part of the same heinous plan.”–Agencies