Kashmiris observing Indian Republic Day as Black Day today

SRINAGAR: Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control and across the world are observing Indian Republic Day as Black Day today.

Call for observance of Black Day was given by Joint Resistance Leadership to remind the world of India’s continued denial of the right to self-determination to the Kashmiris.

In its statement, the leadership said India had no justification to observe its Republic Day in Kashmir as it had illegally occupied the territory against the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

The day is being marked with a complete strike in Indian occupied Kashmir.

The occupied authorities have deployed Indian troops and police personnel in strength in Srinagar and other towns of Kashmir to prevent people from staging anti-India demonstrations. They have also suspended mobile internet services across occupied Kashmir

In his message, AJK President Sardar Masood Khan said Indian atrocities and state terrorism will not curb Kashmiris determination for freedom.

“Indian forces have tried heinous tactics against innocent people of Kashmir but they remain steadfast on their stance of achieving complete liberation from India,” he said.

He added, on this day Kashmiris will make it clear to the world that India is a big impediment in the way of the peoples right to self-determination.